Thank you for showing an interest in exhibiting/trading/supplying at Stay Wild Festival.
We are now accepting applications. If you provide outdoor activities, skills workshops, catering, food stalls, other festival/camping/bushcraft/wilderness and generally anything wild for families, please send us an application today.
Date: July
Venue: Queen Elizabeth Country Park
All applications will be reviewed and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Guideline for trading times:
Friday: 16.00-21.00
Saturday: 10.00 – 21.00
Sunday: 10.00 – 17.00
These hours are a guide only and may be subject to change.
Successful applications will be asked for :
- A simple diagram of your outlet pitch
- Signed Terms and Conditions
- Completed risk assessment form
- A current copy of your insurance
- A copy of your Hygiene certification (Food traders)
- A description of services, products or typical menu
Traders and providers are advised to arrive on the site at least 12 hours before the festival opening times.
- Deliveries access details will be made available.
- Delivery vans may have to stop at the artist/crew gate and transfer from there.
- There is very limited electric and water supply